And you thought being a student was hard...

Before my time as a Communication professor at Ivy Tech, I spent many years doing corporate and organizational training. When I decided to become an instructor, I thought it couldn't be much different from what I did for companies. Boy, I couldn't be more wrong! Although I'd never tell my students, I learn more from them than they will ever learn from me!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Calm Before the Midterms

I think this is my favrorite time of the scholastic semester. All of the newness of the classes has worn off,  the no-shows have been reported, we've had enough grades to know what the class is like, and we've picked up a head of steam. From here on out, it's downhill.

We don't have a fall break (Don't know whose great idea THAT was), so after Labor Day, we push through all the way until Thanksgiving break. We seem to do okay up through midterms, but after that, we all lose steam, even we instructors, until Thanksgiving. Then it's mad dash for the week after to catch up on everything before finals the second week of December.

So, for right now, I'm not bribing my students with extra credit or candy to pay attention, they are still honestly interested in the class, and I'm not feeling burned out. Yet.

I also have two more classes to add to my schedule for the second 8 weeks once midterms are over. Talk to me then.

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